Monday 7 October 2013

10 Most Common Early Pregnancy Symptoms *sigh*

source : thebump

1. Sore Boobs

Tender breasts and nipples are often the first pregnancy sign (like when you get your period, only worse). Sore boobs are the result of pregnancy-related hormonal changes.

2. Darkening Areolas

Darkening areolas (the area around the nipples) can appear as early as a week or two after conception, like so many early pregnancy symptoms, this one is also a result of hormonal surges.

3. Spotting

Light bleeding may occur five to 10 days after conception; this is called "implantation bleeding" and it is a sign that the embryo has implanted itself in the uterine wall (home for the next nine months!).

4. Frequent Urination

Peeing a lot more than usual starts about two to three weeks after conception. After the embryo has implanted in your uterus, your body produces a hormone known as hcG, which leads to frequent urination.

5. Fatigue (we’re talking total exhaustion)

Loss of energy sets in thanks to hormones and your body’s efforts to nurture baby's development. Get tips on how to cope with first trimester fatigue.

6. No Aunt Flo

Missed your your period? You might want to invest in a pregnancy test. Find out when is the best time to take a pregnancy test to get the most accurate result.

7. Morning Sickness

The one-two punch of nausea and vomiting strike some women very early in their pregnancy but for most sufferers the fun begins around week six. Get morning sickness tips for minimizing nausea and vomiting.

8. Sensitive Snout

Your newly increased powers of smell can make your favorite dish smell like dead fish. Find out what causes a heightened sense of smell and get tips for coping with it.

9. Cravings

Studies show that about 90% of pregnant women experience food cravings, especially in their first trimester. Get ideas for healthier alternatives for feeding unhealthy pregnancy cravings.

10. Bloating

A boost in progesterone and estrogen cause many women to swell up early in pregnancy. Try these expert tips for reducing bloat.
These pregnancy symptoms can be uncomfortable but they usually settle down after the first trimester and will all seem worth it when your holding your new baby in your arms.

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